Study Abroad Guide for Undergraduate Students

Abroad Study Guide

19 Jul 2019 - Study Abroad

Many students wish to study abroad particularly for their graduation and post-graduation but some students desire to study abroad during their sophomore or final years of college. Students can also go for a few weeks programs during their summer vacation or winter vacations. Study abroad adds great value to students personality and equip them with different unique skills in order to achieve their future goals. Additionally, study abroad enhances a student’s degree when it comes to getting a job. If you are deciding on the options that what is the best time to study abroad and for how long? Then, let us observe some important factors that will help you to determine the best time for studying in abroad. Whether you want to go for short term courses or to get admission in college or university for degree-level studies, hopefully, this guide will help you to decide when you should study abroad and for how long.


At What Time

It is a great experience to study abroad but makes sure it won’t interfere with your college assignments, no matter if you are planning for short term courses or planning for a complete semester. So, always plan your studies abroad in such a way so you can always fulfill your important college assignments and responsibilities.

For How Long

There are different study abroad programs available for students to choose from. These study programs vary from a few weeks to a semester or year. Students can choose any program as per their interests, objectives and future aspirations. If you just want to visit a new place then maybe a few weeks plan is perfect for you. But if you are planning to do a research project then a semester or yearly program might be good for you.

Choose the Best Program

Choosing a study program in abroad definitely matters when it comes to your objectives and future ambitions. Study abroad can be worthless for students who do not carefully incorporate it into their credit requirements. So, it is advisable to always choose a program that perfectly fits with your college studies and helps you to achieve your educational goals. Otherwise, it will be wastage of time, resources and money. Some student goes for study abroad before declaring their major but some students go for study abroad after declaring their major. Usually, it does not matter which time span you pick to study abroad but there are some other important factors that one should consider before taking any step.

Before Declaring Major

Many students think that study abroad can only be acquired after declaring major but It’s not the case most of the time. If you are a newcomer in college or you have not decided your major yet, even then you may go for study abroad. For exact information, you should ask your college supervisor.

Here are some advantages of study abroad during the early year of college.

  • Students will have sufficient time at their home campus to complete the required credits after selecting a major.
  • Going to study abroad during the early year of college will provide a great opportunity to choose the desired location for studies. On the other hand, the classes required for major can only be offered at certain locations.
  • Students who go for study abroad during the early years will have a great opportunity to explore more and learn differently as compared to others.

After Declaring Major

The physical fitness and the health conditions of the applicants are the most common and basic requirement when applying for When students declare the major or they are studying within their last two years of the four year plan in college, however, they have limited options but even then they may have some good options for study abroad. They may study abroad for elective or core class credits or they may complete the required credits of their major. Before taking any step, carefully review the options with the department head to know the required courses for the completion of graduation.

Here are some important factors to consider when going to study abroad.

  • Always go for study abroad for a serious purpose not for amusement only.
  • Always demonstrate maturity when going for study abroad. Only a mature student can get advantages of study abroad.

  • The requirements and limitations of your college come first and it should be the first priority of the students if they want to apply for study abroad.
  • Students need to make sure that a study abroad will enrich their degree because study abroad is often more expensive than studying at the home campus.
  • Students may get difficulties when applying for a job or appearing in an interview during study abroad during in final year.
  • Students may miss a number of senior-year activities and privileges when studying abroad during the final year.

The above-highlighted factors should be kept in mind before going for studies anywhere in the world. We believe that this guide will help you a lot in order to decide your future plans for studies in abroad to achieve your career goals and fulfill your future aspirations. You can also get the list of Embassies in Pakistan and visa information here

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